Art of the App

Kt McBratney on Owning Your Story and Celebrating Your Journey with Own Trail

Michelle Cherian Episode 14

As women, non-binary individuals or anyone else with an oppressed identity, there is power in taking up space and owning your own story without the motive of getting a job, getting more followers, or whatever else the reason may be. 

In episode 14 of Art of the App Podcast, Kt McBratney shares the importance of embracing your life journey and sharing it with others. We also discuss how you can use Own Trail to seek inspiration, advice and support from other empowering and amazing women. 

Kt McBratney is obsessed with disrupting the status bro. She’s the co-founder and chief brand officer at OwnTrail, the peer support system for women built on the authentic sharing of our unique paths through life. She’s spent her career building non-bullshit brands as a seasoned tech and marketing leader, strategist and connector. Kt is also a visual artist, toddler mom and borderline book hoarder. 

Some of the things Kt and I discuss: 

  • How establishing your values and deal-breakers before entering into a business partnership can set you up on a pathway to success. 
  • The value in having a place to have a “personal life resume” of your authentic life experiences backed by a community of positive and supportive women on their own journey. 
  • Celebrating and sharing your story while also keeping a sense of agency over your information. 
  • How Own Trail has been able to attract and retain so many members from the very beginning. 

Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive inspiration from founders and investors shaping the future.

Thank you for listening!

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!





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Own Trail


Instagram- Own Trail

Instagram- @k_to_the_t
