Art of the App

Brielle Cotterman on How to Effectively Share your Personal Story

Michelle Cherian Episode 24

Sometimes we are afraid to publicly tell our personal stories because we think the conversation should happen only with close friends. Other times, we feel like we have a purpose and a passion, but not a “good” story to tell. In today’s episode we are changing the narrative - literally - to talk about the dangers of not sharing your story and how to be brave so you can make a bigger impact. 

In episode 24 of Art of the App Podcast, Brielle Cotterman and I discuss the importance of sharing your whole story. We also dig into how you can feel confident sharing your story even when you don’t think it might be worth sharing. 

Brielle Cotterman is a TEDx Speaker, Contributor at Entrepreneur, Activist Against Domestic Violence, Publicity Expert, and Celebrity-Maker. She has spent the last decade helping clients to craft and scale Dream careers to 7 figures and beyond by leveraging their personal stories and passions in order to create speaking tours, author award-winning books, procure media placements, and inspire the millions of people that need to hear their story. She is a survivor of attempted murder and domestic violence and an advocate for a world where intimate partner abuse is not tolerated and survivors are met with empathy. 

Some of the things Brielle and I discuss: 

  • The real danger in not sharing your story because even the difficult experiences are not uncommon. By sharing those, we allow others to feel less alone. 
  • Ways our culture has been impacted by the concept of only sharing what is shiny or pretty.
  • The importance of sharing your story to grow your personal brand; because if you aren’t adding to the conversation, it is being developed without you.
  • How to share your story even if you don’t think you have one worth sharing. You don't have to have a story that's filled with drama, trauma, or heartbreak in order to be influential and make a positive impact. Your impact doesn’t have to be for everyone. 
  • What’s important right now is not so much about being polished to perfection but instead creating connection by shining a light on who you are as a person.
  • The three most important stories that you can have prepared when sharing about yourself: your breakthrough story, your business zone of genius, and your passion.

Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive inspiration from founders and investors shaping the future. Thank you for listening!

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