Art of the App

Tatiana Figueiredo on Building a Thriving Community

Michelle Cherian Episode 25

After many years in the industry, Tatiana Figueiredo has learned a lot of lessons, one of which is that you cannot replace the power and presence of a loyal and engaged community. She’s worked with community founders in a variety of industries to build profitable businesses that reflect them as people.

In episode 25 of Art of the App Podcast, Tatiana Figueiredo and I discuss how to build sustainable communities. We also dig into how you can build a thriving community based on your own core values. 

Tatiana Figaredo is a community strategist and coach for community founders who are facing product, community, or growth challenges. The work she does now is the culmination of her experience in marketing and sales for small businesses, managing technology teams and projects and building and running her own businesses in tech, e-commerce and events.

Some of the things Tatiana and I discuss: 

  • The three levels of community interaction; between the individual and the whole community, the individual in small groups and the 1:1 interaction among individuals.
  • The differences between building a free and paid community, where people tend to be more committed because they’ve invested.
  • How having a bit of friction that asks a commitment of the individual, even in free groups, helps the community member to be more engaged and participate.
  • The importance of building a community that reflects your values and personality.  
  • The biggest mistakes community leaders are making in their community dynamics.

Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive inspiration from founders and investors shaping the future.

Thank you for listening!

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